I'm using the following code on a linux web server
$error = exec('phantomjs table1.js', $op, $code);
echo $code; // prints 11 on screen
var page = require('webpage').create();
var url = 'table1.php';
page.open(url, function (status) {
echo '<h1>This should be converted to an image</h1>';
I went through this link but that code isn't listed there. Any idea what this exit code stands for?
This is what I found out.
and the main process(node as per assumption) will also exit with the same binary error code.1
.Hence your error code of 11.
Source: Are there any standard exit status codes in Linux?
Code 11 is a "segmentation fault": A segmentation fault (also segfault) is caused by a program when it tries to allocate data in a piece of memory that is not assigned to the program. It indicates a program error and usually (if not always) crashes the program. In your case, the segfault probably is caused by phantomjs, which indicates perhaps an old or beta version.