How can I create a new thread AddressOf a function

2019-01-28 08:24发布

When option strict is OFF, works fine. ON, I get overload resolution failure:

Dim _thread1 As Thread

Private Sub test2(boolTest As Boolean)
    ' Do something
End Sub
Private Sub test()
    _thread1 = New Thread(AddressOf test2)
End Sub

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' can be called with these arguments:

'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart)': Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between method 'Private Sub test2(boolTest As Boolean)' and delegate 'Delegate Sub ParameterizedThreadingStart(obj As Object)'.

'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ThreadStart)': Method 'Private Sub test2(boolTest As boolean)' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub ThreadStart()'.

I'm new to threading .. a function without parameters seems just fine, but WITH parameters? Tough. How can I do this? I searched already and mostly see java/js only answering this question.

2楼-- · 2019-01-28 08:34

You should follow al-eax's answer, but another way would be to not pass parameters in the Thread.Start() function at all, but rather evaluate it in the test sub...

Dim _thread1 As Thread

Private Sub test()
    If someTest = True then    
        _thread1 = New Thread(AddressOf test2)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub test2()
End Sub

...or declare it as a global variable...

Dim _thread1 As Thread
Dim boolTest As Boolean

Private Sub test()
    boolTest = True

    _thread1 = New Thread(AddressOf test2)
End Sub

Private Sub test2()
    If boolTest = True Then
    End If
End Sub
3楼-- · 2019-01-28 08:37

When you start a thread this way your function must have one or less parameters. If you specify one parameter, it must be from type Object.

In your function you can simply cast this object parameter to your datatype:

private sub startMe(byval param as Object)
     dim b as Boolean = CType(param, Boolean)
end sub

When you want to pass multiple parameters, you can put them together into a class like this:

public class Parameters
     dim paramSTR as String
     dim paramINT as Integer
end class

private sub startMe(byval param as Object)
     dim p as Parameters = CType(param, Parameters)
     p.paramSTR = "foo"
     p.paramINT = 0
end sub

To start your Thread:

dim t as new Thread(AddressOf startMe)
dim p as new Parameters
p.paramSTR = "bar"
p.oaramINT = 1337
4楼-- · 2019-01-28 08:42

It looks like it's because the method you're delegating to has a Boolean parameter: '...does not allow narrowing...' Change the signature to use Object.

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