I know this question was asked before. But I need a real answer, a real explanation! When running (ctrl+F5) the code shown underneath, in Visual Studio 2012 Express, in Release mode, everything works. When running it in Debug mode, I get:
The program cant't start becaue MSVCP100.dll is missin from your computer...
I already installed the Redistributable Package 2010 and 2012.
What is going on??? Please a detailed Explanation, that I can understand :) Thanks a lot!!!
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
Mat image = imread("Bild.jpg");
namedWindow("Mein Bild");
imshow("Mein Bild", image);
//The member variable data is in fact a pointer to the allocated memory block that will contain
//the image data. It is simply set to 0 when no image has been read.
cout<<"No image has been createt"<<endl;
cout<<"height = " << image.size().height <<"\t width = "<< image.size().width<<endl;
//page 27
return 1;
By design. You are not allowed to redistribute Debug Mode executables. As the name says, they are for debugging, not releasing.
Using the compiler options to change the runtime library worked for me ("Configuration Properties"/"C/C++"/"Code Generation". In the item labelled Runtime Library, select Multi Threaded (/MT) for the release version and Multi Threaded Debug (/MTd) for the debug version). I did have to do both the debug and the release to get the release to work. Don't know why.
Note: I was using VC2010 Express version on Windows 7 to compile. I tested on an old XP machine. Another note: MS information at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2kzt1wy3(v=vs.100).aspx
I got the same error and also tried all the solutions I could find on the internet for a couple of days but I finally managed to fix it myself.
If you're using Windows 7 try reinstalling your operating system. Since I was using Win 8, I just refreshed my computer and never received the error again. Once you get your code working don't forget to create a restore point just in case :)
Note that if you refresh your computer, you'll have to install all your programs but all your personal files will still be there.