Have found a function address in a DLL. Have no source code for this DLL, not mine. This DLL is not really changed frequently, but when changed, it is a problem for me to find it by disassembling. Saw some notes in web about making it signature and then find it by this saved signature. Can you, please, give some ideas or working example on how to implement this?
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You can achieve this by code signature scanning, which is something I have done in the past. The concept mainly works by relying on the fact that functions often do not change too much between updates, but simply relocate because they were pushed forward or back by other functions being expanded or shrunk.
Let's take the example of
, who's disassembly looks like this for me:The trick is to guess at some block of code which you think is likely to stay the same in an update, but more importantly is unique to this function. Typically, it is useless to scan for the epilogue/prologue. I would probably take the following block:
You have to make a balance when choosing the length of the block. The longer the block, the more likely it is to uniquely identify a function, but also the more likely it is that some code will be inserted during the update which means it is split, etc. Note that the block I have chosen has multiple memory references. We can not rely on any data or function addresses since these may be relocated on the next update, so we fill those bytes with wildcards:
This means our byte signature is now:
bytes indicate wildcards which are bytes we expect to change. The other ones are bytes we expect will not change in the update. To use the bytes to locate the function at runtime, you need to scan for these bytes (taking into account the wildcards). The process is approximately so:VirtualQueryEx
loop which skips wildcard bytes)0x765DEA16 - 0x765DEA11 => 0x5
)Actually, rather than enumerating all executable pages, it is often enough to find what module the function lies within (
) in this case, and search within that module only.