Consider collection "fruits", in which I have this document (I'm using Python's pymongo driver, btw):
'_id' : 'lemons',
'weight' : 58,
'shape' : 'oval',
'countries' : ['Mexico', 'Turkey', 'Argentina', 'SAfrica', 'US']
Now, if I want to get only the 'countries' field, this query works just fine:
In [1]: find_one('lemons', { 'countries' : 1, '_id' : 0 })
Out[1]: {u'countries': [u'Mexico', u'Turkey', u'Argentina', u'SAfrica', u'US']}
But it turns out that what I really need is just list of few top-countries, not all of them, so I'm using "$slice" instead of plain True/1:
In [239]: c.find_one('lemons', { 'countries' : { '$slice' : [0, 3] }, '_id' : 0 })
{u'countries': [u'Mexico', u'Turkey', u'Argentina'],
u'shape': u'oval',
u'weight': 58}
Well, number of countries has shrinked, but now it gives me whole lot of other unrelated information!
Q: Is there any way to show only those fields that I have asked for? Additionally listing '_id' as exception is fine, because this field is always presented, but I can't be sure about other fields, since MongoDB is scheme-less and I intend to use this feature to add additional fields if needed.
Have you tried adding another inclusion projection? I think you may be able to add something trivial like foo:1 (that is not a real field) and it should work.
Like so:
If it doesn't work I suggest filing a bug with mongo. They are actually very good about responding to bugs.
That's strange because that's not the behavior when running in the mongo console.
Have you tried putting
in curly braces so it's valid JSON syntax?It looks to me like it's applying your $slice projection to all of the fields, so it could be some weird syntax issue with the pymongo driver