I am composing an image in a canvas, I get the base64 image data by using canvas.toDataURL('png')
and trimming the additional information.
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('png');
var escapedBase64Data = dataUrl.replace("data:image/png;base64,","");
After that I try to post to facebook using:
FB.api('/me/photos', 'post', { source:data});
Photos (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/) has a source property. This is where you will place the data content (multipart/form-data) of your photo.
I convert my base64 encoded data to multipart/form-data by specifying the headers.
The result looks like this:
Content-Disposition: file; name="file"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
After I complete the FB api call I receive the following error:
Object {message: "(#324) Requires upload file", type: "OAuthException", code: 324}
Any suggestions?
Here a working code example :
Here is an easy solution:
Source: http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-javascript-sdk-photo-upload-from-canvas/