I am wanting to submit a form to different places based on selections made in the form. I had originally been planning to to send all to a central file/location and have it determine where to go next. However, I would like to do without this extra step if I could.
If the user wants to create/edit/delete elements go to page 1.
If the user wants to group/attach elements go to page 3.
I am trying to write a form builder. You can create/edit/delete forms, questions, and answers. I have everything for creating, editing, and deleting done. Those functions are performed without leaving the page, but now I am looking to assign answers to specific questions. The questions page and the answers page are separate. I am wanting to select a group of answers and submit an array of answer Ids (selected check boxes) to the question page where those Ids will then be assigned to a question. So basically the create, edit, and delete functions are on without leaving the page, but the assign function would be performed on a different page.
if(empty($delRowID) || empty(updateRowID) || empty($groupRows)) {
if(!empty($delRowID)) qDelete($delRowID);
if(!empty(updateRowID)) qUpdate($updateRowID);
if(!empty($groupRows)) {
submit $groupRows to Question.php;
Post your form to a central formhandler script. On that page just use simple logic (using php in this instance) to redirect the user to the specific page you want
It is possible using JavaScript, but it's not recommended because some people turn JS off by default because of trojans and noisy behavior of some sites. It is considered polite to have your site working both with JS enabled and disabled.
Actually you don't need many form actions because every operation can be done using branching in the single form handler script.
Here is the very simple CRUD application example, performing displaying, editing, adding - all in one body and utilizing templates:
Java script is the best way to handle this, there's not really much alternative unless you create 3 sole forms.