Browser detection in JavaScript? [duplicate]

2018-12-31 03:28发布

This question already has an answer here:

How do I determine the exact browser and version using JavaScript?

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:55

If you want a function that returns the browser as well as the version, here is an improvement from the original answer:

navigator.browserInfo = 
        var browser = '';
        var version = '';
        var idString = '';

        var ua = navigator.userAgent;
        var tem = [];
        var M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i);

        //IE will be identified as 'Trident' and a different version number. The name must be corrected to 'Internet Explorer' and the correct version identified.
        //ie correction
            tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+.?\d*)/g.exec(ua) || [];
            browser = 'Internet Explorer';
            version = tem[1];

        else if(/firefox/i.test(M[1]))
            tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+.?\d*)/g.exec(ua) || [];
            browser = 'Firefox';
            version = tem[1];

        else if(/safari/i.test(M[1]))
            tem = ua.match(/\bVersion\/(\d+.?\d*\s*\w+)/);
            browser = 'Safari';
            version = tem[1];

        //If 'Chrome' is found, it may be another browser. 
        else if(M[1] === 'Chrome')
            var temOpr = ua.match(/\b(OPR)\/(\d+.?\d*.?\d*.?\d*)/);
            var temEdge = ua.match(/\b(Edge)\/(\d+.?\d*)/);
            var temChrome = ua.match(/\b(Chrome)\/(\d+.?\d*.?\d*.?\d*)/);

            //a genuine 'Chrome' reading will result from ONLY temChrome not being null.
            var genuineChrome = temOpr == null && temEdge == null && temChrome != null;

            if(temOpr != null)
                browser = temOpr[1].replace('OPR', 'Opera');
                version = temOpr[2];

            if(temEdge != null)
                browser = temEdge[1];
                version = temEdge[2];

                browser = temChrome[1];
                version = temChrome[2];
        //There will be some odd balls, so if you wish to support those browsers, add functionality to display those browsers as well.

        if(browser == '' || version == '')
            idString = 'We couldn\'t find your browser, but you can still use the site';
            idString = browser + ' version ' + version;

        alert('Your browser is ' + idString);

        //store the type of browser locally
        if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined")
            localStorage.setItem('browser', browser);
            localStorage.setItem('version', version);
            alert('local storage not available');

With this, it also stores the result locally, so this check is not necessary to run every time.

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:55
 var isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0;
        // Opera 8.0+ (UA detection to detect Blink/v8-powered Opera)
        var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined';   // Firefox 1.0+
        var isSafari ='Constructor') > 0;
        // At least Safari 3+: "[object HTMLElementConstructor]"
        var isChrome = !!;                          // Chrome 1+
        var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false; 

you can more read How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser?

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:56

This is something I wrote to get client info

var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var check = function(r) {
    return r.test(ua);
var DOC = document;
var isStrict = DOC.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";
var isOpera = check(/opera/);
var isChrome = check(/chrome/);
var isWebKit = check(/webkit/);
var isSafari = !isChrome && check(/safari/);
var isSafari2 = isSafari && check(/applewebkit\/4/); // unique to
// Safari 2
var isSafari3 = isSafari && check(/version\/3/);
var isSafari4 = isSafari && check(/version\/4/);
var isIE = !isOpera && check(/msie/);
var isIE7 = isIE && check(/msie 7/);
var isIE8 = isIE && check(/msie 8/);
var isIE6 = isIE && !isIE7 && !isIE8;
var isGecko = !isWebKit && check(/gecko/);
var isGecko2 = isGecko && check(/rv:1\.8/);
var isGecko3 = isGecko && check(/rv:1\.9/);
var isBorderBox = isIE && !isStrict;
var isWindows = check(/windows|win32/);
var isMac = check(/macintosh|mac os x/);
var isAir = check(/adobeair/);
var isLinux = check(/linux/);
var isSecure = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol);
var isIE7InIE8 = isIE7 && DOC.documentMode == 7;

var jsType = '', browserType = '', browserVersion = '', osName = '';
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var check = function(r) {
    return r.test(ua);

    osName = 'Windows';

    if(check(/windows nt/)){
        var start = ua.indexOf('windows nt');
        var end = ua.indexOf(';', start);
        osName = ua.substring(start, end);
} else {
    osName = isMac ? 'Mac' : isLinux ? 'Linux' : 'Other';

    browserType = 'IE';
    jsType = 'IE';

    var versionStart = ua.indexOf('msie') + 5;
    var versionEnd = ua.indexOf(';', versionStart);
    browserVersion = ua.substring(versionStart, versionEnd);

    jsType = isIE6 ? 'IE6' : isIE7 ? 'IE7' : isIE8 ? 'IE8' : 'IE';
} else if (isGecko){
    var isFF =  check(/firefox/);
    browserType = isFF ? 'Firefox' : 'Others';;
    jsType = isGecko2 ? 'Gecko2' : isGecko3 ? 'Gecko3' : 'Gecko';

        var versionStart = ua.indexOf('firefox') + 8;
        var versionEnd = ua.indexOf(' ', versionStart);
        if(versionEnd == -1){
            versionEnd = ua.length;
        browserVersion = ua.substring(versionStart, versionEnd);
} else if(isChrome){
    browserType = 'Chrome';
    jsType = isWebKit ? 'Web Kit' : 'Other';

    var versionStart = ua.indexOf('chrome') + 7;
    var versionEnd = ua.indexOf(' ', versionStart);
    browserVersion = ua.substring(versionStart, versionEnd);
    browserType = isOpera ? 'Opera' : isSafari ? 'Safari' : '';
5楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:56

I know I'm WAY late to this question, but figured I'd throw my snippets up here. A lot of the answers here are OK, and, as one points out, it's generally best to use feature detection rather than rely on the userAgent string. However, if you are going to go that route, I've written a complete snippet, as well as an alternate jQuery implementation to replace the depricated $.browser.

Vanilla JS

My first snippet simply adds four properties to the navigator object: browser, version, mobile, & webkit.


/** navigator [extended]
 *  Simply extends Browsers navigator Object to include browser name, version number, and mobile type (if available).
 *  @property {String} browser The name of the browser.
 *  @property {Double} version The current Browser version number.
 *  @property {String|Boolean} mobile Will be `false` if is not found to be mobile device. Else, will be best guess Name of Mobile Device (not to be confused with browser name)
 *  @property {Boolean} webkit If is webkit or not.
;(function(){function c(){try{switch(!0){case /MSIE|Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"MSIE";case /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Chrome";case /Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Opera";case /Kindle|Silk|KFTT|KFOT|KFJWA|KFJWI|KFSOWI|KFTHWA|KFTHWI|KFAPWA|KFAPWI/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return/Silk/i.test(navigator.userAgent)?"Silk":"Kindle";case /BlackBerry/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"BlackBerry";case /PlayBook/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"PlayBook";case /BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Blackberry";
case /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Android";case /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Safari";case /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Mozilla";case /Nokia/.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Nokia"}}catch(a){console.debug("ERROR:setBrowser\t",a)}}function d(){try{switch(!0){case /Sony[^ ]*/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Sony";case /RIM Tablet/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"RIM Tablet";case /BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"BlackBerry";case /iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"iPhone";
case /iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"iPad";case /iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"iPod";case /Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Opera Mini";case /IEMobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"IEMobile";case /BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"BlackBerry";case /Nokia/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Nokia";case /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return"Android"}}catch(a){console.debug("ERROR:setMobile\t",a)}return!1}function e(){try{switch(!0){case /MSIE|Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent):return/Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&
/rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.test(navigator.userAgent)?parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/)[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")):/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&0<parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))?parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("MSIE")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,"")):"Edge";case /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Chrome/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""));case /Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Version/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,
""));case /Kindle|Silk|KFTT|KFOT|KFJWA|KFJWI|KFSOWI|KFTHWA|KFTHWI|KFAPWA|KFAPWI/i.test(navigator.userAgent):if(/Silk/i.test(navigator.userAgent))return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Silk/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""));if(/Kindle/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&/Version/i.test(navigator.userAgent))return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""));case /BlackBerry/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("/")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,
""));case /PlayBook/.test(navigator.userAgent):case /BB[0-9]{1,}; Touch/.test(navigator.userAgent):case /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""));case /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split(/Firefox\//i)[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""));case /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Version/")[1].split("Safari")[0].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,
""));case /Nokia/.test(navigator.userAgent):return parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("Browser")[1].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,""))}}catch(a){console.debug("ERROR:setVersion\t",a)}}a:{try{if(navigator&&navigator.userAgent){navigator.browser=c();;navigator.version=e();var b;b:{try{b=/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent);break b}catch(a){console.debug("ERROR:setWebkit\t",a)}b=void 0}navigator.webkit=b;break a}}catch(a){}throw Error("Browser does not support `navigator` Object |OR| has undefined `userAgent` property.");
/*  simple c & p of above   */

6楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:57
navigator.sayswho= (function(){
    var ua= navigator.userAgent, tem,
    M= ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
        tem=  /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
        return 'IE '+(tem[1] || '');
    if(M[1]=== 'Chrome'){
        tem= ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/);
        if(tem!= null) return tem.slice(1).join(' ').replace('OPR', 'Opera');
    M= M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
    if((tem= ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!= null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
    return M.join(' ');

As the name implies, this will tell you the name and version number supplied by the browser.

It is handy for sorting test and error results, when you are testing new code on multiple browsers.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:58

This tells you all the details about your browser and the version of it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="example"></div>


txt = "<p>Browser CodeName: " + navigator.appCodeName + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>Browser Name: " + navigator.appName + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>Browser Version: " + navigator.appVersion + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>Cookies Enabled: " + navigator.cookieEnabled + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>Platform: " + navigator.platform + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>User-agent header: " + navigator.userAgent + "</p>";
txt+= "<p>User-agent language: " + navigator.systemLanguage + "</p>";



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