I have an application where the user enters data in edittext and presses the save button.
By pressing 'save' I save in a file the user data (in one column) and the current date (in the other column).
Then , I press another button and make the plot (using achartengine) date (x axis) data (y axis).
So, entering data during a day ,results in saving for example: "1" (user data) -> 20/4/2013 , "2" -> 20/4/2013 , "3" -> 20/4/2013.
And in plot I have 3 points in y axis (ok) and 3 points in x axis (not ok).
I want to have one point in x axis because the data where entered in the same day.
I save data :
public void savefunc(){
SimpleDateFormat thedate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date d=new Date();
String formattedDate=thedate.format(d);
double thedata=Double.parseDouble(value.getText().toString().trim());
File sdCard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
File directory = new File (sdCard, "MyFiles");
File file = new File(directory, filename);
FileOutputStream fos;
//saving them
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos));
for (int i=0;i<mydata.size();i++){
How can I save the user data during a day ?
Maybe some check here : Date d=new Date();
? To check if it is the same day.
Or here : bw.write(mydata.get(i)+","+dates_Strings.get(i)+"\n");
But I can't figure.
For example I enter data " 1" , "2" ,"3" in date "20/4/2013".
This is what I get now using my code: This is what I get now http://i35.tinypic.com/2rmsck5.png
But i require graph like below: data entered on same day should be put together:: This is what I want http://i38.tinypic.com/255p5i9.png
for (int i=0;i<mydata.size();i++){
Date lastDate=null;
String lastdate="";
// the initial date
Date initialDate=formatter.parse(dates_Strings.get(mydata.size()-1));
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); // increase date by one
lastDate =c.getTime();
}catch ...
When you call new Date(), you also determine time of creation (default format is: January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT). Because your points are created in different time but same date, your points are not aligned.
So you should do it like this:
then you can use d as current date :).
Hope it is true and it helps, Toni
There are a few possible solutions for this problem:
instead of a date, put the unix time of the date (long value) . in order to show it, you can convert the unix time to formatted date .
since excel can handle dates, edit the output file and use "=Date(year,month,day)" or "=DATEVALUE("2013/4/20")"
this is all because the problem isn't even related to android. it's about showing the data. the data is ok. it's just how you show it.
If I am not very much mistaken this is not a problem of saving or loading the data but simply of displaying the data. Your graph algorithm should recognize equal dates and do not make a new entry for it.
As it is, it seem like the date is treated as label, not as x-axis value, which would be reasonable because the date string is not numeric.
I suggest to check achartengine if there is a way to additional provide x-values and then let them only increase if the date string of the next entry is different of the previous entry.
You probably have to give a different model to achartengine.
I don't think it is a save problem because well the date stored is the right one, so any behavior there is mostly as expected.
This is an AChartEngine issue indeed. The internal model used to be kept in
s and these issues didn't exist. At some point there was a community effort to make AChartEngine faster with a lot of data points. At that point, the model started to use aMap
instead of anArrayList
. This implementation prevented having the same X value added several times. However, in order to fix this, I add a very small value to X, if it already exists. In your example, the first value is20/04/2013 00:00:00.0
, the second one is at20/04/2013 00:00:00.001
and the third is20/04/2013 00:00:00.002
.Now, the solution to your problem is to have a wider range on the X axis.
can be something like21/04/2013