I'm writing an implementation of standard c++ library for study.
The C++11 standard says that for_each
returns std::move(f)
template <class InputIterator, class Function>
Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f);
Returns: std::move(f).
I thought that function scope local variable is move-constructed when it's returned.
Should I return move(f)
From Josuttis 's The C++ Standard Library
You don’t have to and should not move() return values. According to the language rules, the standard specifies that for the following code
the following behavior is guaranteed:
• If X has an accessible copy or move constructor, the compiler may choose to elide the copy. This is the so-called (named) return value optimization ((N)RVO), which was specified even before C++11 and is supported by most compilers.
• Otherwise, if X has a move constructor, x is moved.
• Otherwise, if X has a copy constructor, x is copied.
• Otherwise, a compile-time error is emitted.
From §25.2.4 (for_each)
you can be guaranteed of being able to read the mutated state externally.