I want to pull out duplicate records in a MySQL Database. This can be done with:
SELECT address, count(id) as cnt FROM list
GROUP BY address HAVING cnt > 1
Which results in:
100 MAIN ST 2
I would like to pull it so that it shows each row that is a duplicate. Something like:
Any thoughts on how this can be done? I'm trying to avoid doing the first one then looking up the duplicates with a second query in the code.
This also will show you how many duplicates have and will order the results without joins
select address from list where address = any (select address from (select address, count(id) cnt from list group by address having cnt > 1 ) as t1) order by address
the inner sub-query returns rows with duplicate address then the outer sub-query returns the address column for address with duplicates. the outer sub-query must return only one column because it used as operand for the operator '= any'
This is the similar query you have asked for and its 200% working and easy too. Enjoy!!!
Find duplicate users by email address with this query...
Not going to be very efficient, but it should work:
For your table it would be something like
This query will give you all the distinct address entries in your list table... I am not sure how this will work if you have any primary key values for name, etc..