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I just read thought php doucmentation for heredocs but I did not see any way to intent the code properly. Is this possible in php?
Right now I am doing this, but this is bad for readability.
echo <<< END
This is a test. I am writing this
text out.
} # end of if statment
I would like to have something like this:
echo <<< END
This is a test. I am writing this
text out.
} # end of if statment
I know that bash has a method to do this (although I cannot remember what it is), so I was wondering if it was possible to do in php. I don't think so but I thought I would ask.
It's a limitation of PHP to properly format Heredoc statements. It's a parser limitation. As the documentation states:
It's unknown if this is gonna be resolved in the future of PHP.
AFAIK, that's not possible, you need to put closing heredoc identifier without any spaces/tabs/indentation :(