The above ant script implements if dir_is_empty then git-clone else git-fetch
using Ant-1.7.1 core statements:
<target name="update" depends="git.clone, git.fetch" />
<target name="check.dir">
<fileset dir="${dir}" id="fileset"/>
<pathconvert refid="fileset" property="dir.contains-files" setonempty="false"/>
<target name="git.clone" depends="check.dir" unless="dir.contains-files">
<exec executable="git">
<arg value="clone"/>
<arg value="${repo}"/>
<arg value="${dir}"/>
<target name="git.fetch" depends="check.dir" if="dir.contains-files" >
<exec executable="git" dir="${dir}">
<arg value="fetch"/>
(see my other post)
But how to implement a target
enabled by two conditions?
if dir_does_not_exist or dir_is_empty then git-clone else git-fetch
my current attempt:
<target name="git.clone"
depends="chk.exist, chk.empty"
unless="!dir.exist || dir.noempty" >
<target name="chk.exist">
<condition property="dir.exist">
<available file="${dir}/.git" type="dir"/>
I would prefer Ant-1.7.1 core statements. But I am open about other possibilities as Ant contrib, or embedded script... Feel free to post your ideas...
(See also question Execute ANT task just if a condition is met)
Even when bound to Ant 1.7.1 you may combine your 3 chk targets into one, see the condition part in the snippet. Since Ant 1.9.1 (better use Ant 1.9.3 because of bugs in Ant 1.9.1 see this answer for details) it is possible to add if and unless attributes on all tasks and nested elements, so no extra target needed, f.e. :
From the ant documentation on targets:
Moreover, there were some discussions on and mailing-lists:
For example, the following
combines two properties (dir.exist
) to create another one (cloned
) using operators<and>
(many other operators are documented as<or>
).The above
is used by targetsgit.clone
as follows: