When I first started working with Qt, it was extremely annoying that every class has a name beginning with 'Q', but now I've got used to it.
I'm using Qt Creator, and it highlights code quite well.
However, it only highlights class names beginning with 'Q'. And it highlights everything beginning with 'Q' even if there is no such type.
It doesn't highlight custom class names.
That makes me wonder, should I also begin all my class names with 'Q'?
Or at least the reusable ones?
(I mean, those that I put in a class library, or reuse in another app.)
I've seen several places where they named their classes this way. Is it a good thing?
I found this page about Qt's naming conventions, but it doesn't deal with this question.
Also, I don't understand why Qt doesn't use namespaces.
Big thank you to everyone who shared his thoughts with me.
It seems that the newer versions of Qt Creator now also highlight the class names not beginning with 'Q'. Nice!
As to namespaces and Qt, Qt does indeed use namespaces, just not for everything. Qt runs on many systems, not all of which may have full support for namespaces. While there are current versions of Qt, that doesn't mean all the systems it runs on have updated as well. Given the amount of code out there using Qt as it stands, converting everything would be a massive undertaking; assuming all the compilers/platforms/systems Qt runs on didn't have to be worked around to move everything into namespaces.
Qt doesn't need namespaces, they have a naming scheme that works. Wanting to name your classes the way Qt does because you are using Qt is like wanting to put your classes in a Qt namespace because you are using Qt. I agree with Noah that wanting to do that is a "smell", and though generally tolerated is still not a good move. Sometimes imitation is not the most sincere form of flattery.