I am getting a Wrong Answer for my solution to this problem on SPOJ.
The problem asks to calculate the cube root of an integer(which can be upto 150 digits long), and output the answer truncated upto 10 decimal places.
It also asks to calculate the sum of all the digits in the answer modulo 10 as a 'checksum' value.
Here is the exact problem statement:
Your task is to calculate the cube root of a given positive integer. We can not remember why exactly we need this, but it has something in common with a princess, a young peasant, kissing and half of a kingdom (a huge one, we can assure you).
Write a program to solve this crucial task.
The input starts with a line containing a single integer t <= 20, the number of test cases. t test cases follow.
The next lines consist of large positive integers of up to 150 decimal digits. Each number is on its own separate line of the input file. The input file may contain empty lines. Numbers can be preceded or followed by whitespaces but no line exceeds 255 characters.
For each number in the input file your program should output a line consisting of two values separated by single space. The second value is the cube root of the given number, truncated (not rounded!) after the 10th decimal place. First value is a checksum of all printed digits of the cube root, calculated as the sum of the printed digits modulo 10.
2 33076161
1 1.0000000000
2 2.0000000000
1 10.0000000000
0 1.2599210498
6 321.0000000000
Here is my solution:
from math import pow
def foo(num):
num_cube_root = pow(num, 1.0 / 3)
# First round upto 11 decimal places
num_cube_root = "%.11f" % (num_cube_root)
# Then remove the last decimal digit
# to achieve a truncation of 10 decimal places
num_cube_root = str(num_cube_root)[0:-1]
num_cube_root_sum = 0
for digit in num_cube_root:
if digit != '.':
num_cube_root_sum += int(digit)
num_cube_root_sum %= 10
return (num_cube_root_sum, num_cube_root)
def main():
# Number of test cases
t = int(input())
while t:
t -= 1
num = input().strip()
# If line empty, ignore
if not num:
t += 1
num = int(num)
ans = foo(num)
print(str(ans[0]) + " " + ans[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
It is working perfectly for the sample cases: Live demo.
Can anyone tell what is the problem with this solution?
Your solution has two problems, both related to the use of floating-point arithmetic. The first issue is that Python
s only carry roughly 16 significant decimal digits of precision, so as soon as your answer requires more than 16 significant digits or so (so more than 6 digits before the point, and 10 digits after), you've very little hope of getting the correct trailing digits. The second issue is more subtle, and affects even small values ofn
. That's that your approach of rounding to 11 decimal digits and then dropping the last digit suffers from potential errors due to double rounding. For an example, taken = 33
. The cube root ofn
, to 20 decimal places or so, is:When that's rounded to 11 places after the point, you end up with
and now dropping the last digit gives
, which isn't what you wanted. The problem is that that round to 11 decimal places can end up affecting digits to the left of the 11th place digit.So what can you do to fix this? Well, you can avoid floating-point altogether and reduce this to a pure integer problem. We need the cube root of some integer
to 10 decimal places (rounding the last place down). That's equivalent to computing the cube root of10**30 * n
to the nearest integer, again rounding down, then dividing the result by10**10
. So the essential task here is to compute the floor of the cube root of any given integern
. I was unable to find any existing Stack Overflow answers about computing integer cube roots (still less in Python), so I thought it worth showing how to do so in detail.Computing cube roots of integers turns out to be quite easy (with the help of a tiny bit of mathematics). There are various possible approaches, but one approach that's both efficient and easy to implement is to use a pure-integer version of the Newton-Raphson method. Over the real numbers, Newton's method for solving the equation
x**3 = n
takes an approximationx
to the cube root ofn
, and iterates to return an improved approximation. The required iteration is:In the real case, you'd repeat the iteration until you reached some desired tolerance. It turns out that over the integers, essentially the same iteration works, and with the right exit condition it will give us exactly the correct answer (no tolerance required). The iteration in the integer case is:
(Note the uses of the floor division operator
in place of the usual true division operator/
above.) Mathematically,a_next
is exactly the floor of(2*a + n/a**2)/3
.Here's some code based on this iteration:
And some example uses:
There are a couple of annoyances and inefficiencies in
that we'll fix shortly. But first, a brief explanation of why the above code works. Note that we start with an initial guess that's assumed to be greater than or equal to the floor of the cube root. We'll show that this property is a loop invariant: every time we reach the top of the while loop,a
is at leastfloor(cbrt(n))
. Furthermore, each iteration produces a value ofa
strictly smaller than the old one, so our iteration is guaranteed to eventually converge tofloor(cbrt(n))
. To prove these facts, note that as we enter thewhile
loop, there are two possibilities:Case 1.
is strictly greater than the cube root ofn
. Thena > n//a**2
, and the code proceeds to the next iteration. Writea_next = (2*a + n//a**2)//3
, then we have:a_next >= floor(cbrt(n))
. This follows from the fact that(2*a + n/a**2)/3
is at least the cube root ofn
, which in turn follows from the AM-GM inequality applied toa
: the geometric mean of these three quantities is exactly the cube root ofn
, so the arithmetic mean must be at least the cube root ofn
. So our loop invariant is preserved for the next iteration.a_next < a
: since we're assuming thata
is larger than the cube root,n/a**2 < a
, and it follows that(2a + n/a**2) / 3
is smaller thana
, and hence thatfloor((2a + n/a**2) / 3) < a
. This guarantees that we make progress towards the solution at each iteration.Case 2.
is less than or equal to the cube root ofn
. Thena <= floor(cbrt(n))
, but from the loop invariant established above we also know thata >= floor(cbrt(n))
. So we're done:a
is the value we're after. And the while loop exits at this point, sincea <= n // a**2
.There are a couple of issues with the code above. First, starting with an initial guess of
is inefficient: the code will spend its first few iterations (roughly) dividing the current value ofa
each time until it gets into the neighborhood of the solution. A better choice for the initial guess (and one that's easily computable in Python) is to use the first power of two that exceeds the cube root ofn
.Even better, if
is small enough to avoid overflow, is to use floating-point arithmetic to provide the initial guess, with something like:But this brings us to our second issue: the correctness of our algorithm requires that the initial guess is no smaller than the actual integer cube root, and as
gets large we can't guarantee that for the float-basedinitial_guess
above (though for small enoughn
, we can). Luckily, there's a very simple fix: for any positive integera
, if we perform a single iteration we always end up with a value that's at leastfloor(cbrt(a))
(using the same AM-GM argument that we used above). So all we have to do is perform at least one iteration before we start testing for convergence.With that in mind, here's a more efficient version of the above code:
And with
in hand, it's easy to put everything together to compute cube roots to ten decimal places. Here, for simplicity, I output the result as a string, but you could just as easily construct aDecimal
instance.Example outputs:
You may try to use the
module with a sufficiently large precision value.EDIT: Thanks to @DSM, I realised that
module will not produce very exact cube roots. I suggest that you check whether all digits are 9s and round it to a integer if that is a case.Also, I now perform the 1/3 division with Decimals as well, because passing the result of 1/3 to Decimal constructor leads to reduced precision.
Output of