I would like implement a custom inline
with Eureka like described
here. But I have some problems to make in compile in my concrete case. Swift compiler crashes when I try to run with the following error.
Call parameter type does not match function signature!
1. Running pass 'Module Verifier' on function'@_TWaC7TonyPro22ServiceCheckInlineRow26Eureka13InlineRowTypeS_'
My collapsable Row and Cell.
public final class ServiceRow: Row<Service, ServiceCell>, RowType {
public class ServiceCell: Cell<Service>, CellType {
My inline row
public class ServiceCheckInlineRow: ImageCheckInlineRow<Service>, InlineRowType {
public typealias InlineRow = ServiceRow
required public init(tag: String?) {
super.init(tag: tag)
onExpandInlineRow { cell, row, _ in
let color = cell.detailTextLabel?.textColor
row.onCollapseInlineRow { cell, _, _ in
cell.detailTextLabel?.textColor = color
cell.detailTextLabel?.textColor = cell.tintColor
public override func customDidSelect() {
if !isDisabled {
public func setupInlineRow(inlineRow: InlineRow) {
public class ImageCheckInlineRow<T where T: Equatable, T: ServiceType>: Row<T, ImageCheckCell<T>>, SelectableRowType, RowType {
public var selectableValue: T?
required public init(tag: String?) {
super.init(tag: tag)
displayValueFor = nil
I assume that the origin of the problem is the aliasType InlineRow
but I do not find why.
Hello I had been working on your question and this are my results, this is how looks
I will post two examples of custom inline rows with eureka
First example is a custom inline row with slider with values from 0..100
and then on your form you need to put this
And this is another example with an slider but with string values
And the definition for CustomSliderRow and Cell
And in your form you need to put
I hope this helps you, regards