Is there any complete guidance on doing AppBar docking (such as locking to the screen edge) in WPF? I understand there are InterOp calls that need to be made, but I'm looking for either a proof of concept based on a simple WPF form, or a componentized version that can be consumed.
Related resources:
Please Note: This question gathered a good amount of feedback, and some people below have made great points or fixes. Therefore, while I'll keep the code here (and possibly update it), I've also created a WpfAppBar project on github. Feel free to send pull requests.
That same project also builds to a WpfAppBar nuget package
I took the code from the first link provided in the question ( ) and modified it to do two things:
This approach doesn't create a base class.
To use, just call this code from anywhere within a normal wpf window (say a button click or the initialize). Note that you can not call this until AFTER the window is initialized, if the HWND hasn't been created yet (like in the constructor), an error will occur.
Make the window an appbar:
Restore the window to a normal window:
Here's the full code to the file - note you'll want to change the namespace on line 7 to something apropriate.
Sorry for my English... Here is the Philip Rieck's solution with some corrects. It correctly works with Taskbar position and size changes.
The same code you can write for the Left and Right edges. Good job, Philip Rieck, thank you!