How can I (efficiently - not slowing the computer [cpu]) highlight a specific part of a page?
Lets say that my page is as so:
"My generic words would be selected here" !.
//highlight code here
var textToHighlight = 'selected here" !';
//what sould I write here?
My idea is to "clone" all the body into a variable and find via indexOf the specified text, change(insert a span with a background-color) the "cloned" string and replace the "real" body with the "cloned" one.
I just think that it isn't efficient.
Do you have any other ideas? (be creative :) )
I've adapted the following from my answers to several similar questions on SO (example). It's designed to be reusable and has proved to be so. It traverses the DOM within a container node you specify, searching each text node for the specified text and using DOM methods to split the text node and surround the relevant chunk of text in a styled
Use this in combination with this and you should be pretty ok. (It is almost better than trying to implement selection / selection-highlighting logic yourself.)