First, apologies for my poor coding ability, however I have spent a few hours reading the forums and giving it a crack, so I would really appreciate any help with the following problem:
I have 3 text files, from which I would like to take the filename, 3rd line of data, 5th line, and 7th line and pop them into a single CSV, such as follows:
filename1, linedata3, linedata5, linedata7
filename2, linedata3, linedata5, linedata7
filename3, linedata3, linedata5, linedata7
Simples, eh? not so, for I am rather lacking in my coding "skillz" and could do with your help. Here's what I have so far:
First a batch file (go.bat):
@echo off
for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%i in (%1) do >>lines.txt echo %~n1 %%i & goto :EOF
Then manual command line entries:
go.bat file1.txt
go.bat file2.txt
go.bat file3.txt
So, as you can see, I have done this for one line of text, but don't know how to append lines 3 and 5 onto the end of the output. Also, what I'd really like is a proper command line entry so I can do this for all text files in the directory. I tried the following, but seem to be missing something:
for %i in (*.*) do go.bat "%i"
Any body help?
Thanks muchlies! James
This Batch file process all .txt files in the directory, as you said.
You could read the lines with another construct.
Or with a loop (Andriy)