I am using Z3 with SMT2 via C API/JNA/Scala and seems to work pretty well.
I want to try incremental solving. So at first I translate this by using Z3_parse_smtlib2_string:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(assert (>= x 0))
Then I get back an Z3_ast, put it into a solver via Z3_solver_assert, check it with Z3_solver_check and retrieve a model via Z3_solver_get_model (if the check returned satisfiable, which is the case in this example). So far there is no problem.
But when I want to assert something additionally like this:
(assert (= x 1))
I get stuck at the point where Z3_parse_smtlib2_string is called, because it complains, that x is an unknown constant. If I add also add the declare-fun to the second snippet I get an invalid argument error. Shouldn't this variable exist already in the environment? Do I have to set the additional parameters of Z3_parse_smtlib2_string? How can I get those out of the previsously parsed formula?
Also using (set-option :global-decls true) did not work as Z3 tells me that this option value cannot be modified after initialization.
Does anybody have a clue how to solve this problem?
can take as extra arguments lists of existing sorts and constants. The second time you call it you can therefore tell it that you already know whatx
stands for.To recover the declared constants and sorts from the first parsing pass, you can use
and similarly for sorts.