I am working on sending push notifications with FCM.
I am able to send notifications successfully to a set of devices when I know their IDs.
But now, I want to send notifications to a topic as mentioned here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/topic-messaging
They have documented the server side pretty well. But I am not sure how to subscribe to a topic on the client side (My client includes chrome packaged app, web browsers, ionic based mobile application for different platforms.)
So, in summary how do I make users subscribe to topics?
Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
PS: I did go through How to get registered into GCM topics from javascript (for Chrome) and How to implement Google Cloud Messaging - Topic Messaging in Chrome? but it did not help much.
Update: Announced just recently (October 17, 2016), Firebase JavaScript library:
Link to the Firebase documentation for Setting Up the JavaScript Client App.
I've looked around the docs. It seems that Topic Messaging for Chrome still isn't available for GCM
and FCM.