I know this has been asked before because I have spent the last 5 hours trying them all from here and even the closed google product forum. I can't get any of the loops to stop. The conditions are getting met, but the loop keep running and running. I have been copying from other examples online and inserting my own variables, but in the end, I'll have 5 rows go to the new sheet several times until the sheet gets tired or something.
I've tried getDataRange...I've tried getRange...I've tried var in loops and other loops, I've tried them all, so please take a look and let me know how this code keeps resulting in rows getting added to the new sheet multiple times over:
function runReportAllMemCos1() {
var sheet1 = sskey.getSheetByName('Businesses');
var sheet2 = sskey.getSheetByName('tempsheet');
var data = sheet1.getRange(1,1, sheet1.getLastRow(), sheet1.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var dest = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
if (data[i][12] == "Associate") {
} Logger.log(data)
if (dest.length > 0 ) {
Thanks for any help!
Yep, the problem is your dest variable. You aren't resetting it after each loop, so each row just keeps getting compounded in there and duplicates each time (so when looping through the third row, rows 1 and 2 are still in the dest variable). Put "dest = [];" just inside your for loop and it'll work.
I don't really agree with user1795832's answer as it doesn't make use of batch writing but simply writes data to sheet 2 each time the condition is true... so why using an array to do that ?
Try simply to batch write to sheet 2 after the loop is completed and it should work as expected.
EDIT : other possibility following your comment to choose the columns you copy