I am trying to upload an excel file in mvc using angular js. Following is my view code:
<div class="browsebtn" ng-controller = "serviceablectrlr"><input type="file" id="dataFile" name="uploadFile" data-max-size="2097152" accept=".xls, .xlsx" onclick="$('#fileError').hide();" />
<input id="btnUploadExcel" type="button" value="Upload" ng-click="UploadConfirmation()" class="btn btn-yellow" />
Following is my controller Code :
var app = angular.module('ProductCatalog');
app.controller('serviceablectrlr', function ($scope, $http) {
var apiURL = $("#ProductCatalogApiUrl").val();
var ClearFile = function () {
// pass file object and url to this method
$scope.UploadConfirmation = function () {
var formData = new FormData();
var totalFiles = document.getElementById("dataFile").files.length;
for (var i = 0; i < totalFiles; i++) {
var file = document.getElementById("dataFile").files[i];
var ext = file.name.split(".")[1];
if ((ext == "xls" || ext == "xlsx") && file.size < (Math.pow(1024, 3) * 2)) {
formData.append("dataFile", file);
method: 'POST',
url: apiURL + "/BulkInsertion",
data: formData,
dataType: 'json',
headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined},
transformRequest: angular.identity
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
if (response.data.ResponseData == 'Success') {
showToastrMessage('success', 'Offer saved successfully!');
$scope.data = {};
else {
alert('In error');
showToastrMessage('error', response.data.ResponseData);
function errorCallback(response) {
else {
And following is my MVC Controller code:
public ResponseModel Post(
HttpPostedFileBase dataFile
{ }
The problem i am facing is that the HttpPostedFileBase is null even though i am sending the correct parameters.
I have referred to the following question which is exactly my problem other than I am working on excel file uploading.
HttpPostedFileBase is null when uploading files with Angular
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to write following code in your cshtml view
In MVC controller
In cae you want to do with angular js then use following code to post file
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