I am attempting to get gulp working with livereload. Gulp is not in control of the webserver itself (the actual web app is a php site. When I run nmap on the server I don't see livereload working, and the chrome extension indicates the same thing.
Here is my gulp task:
gulp = require 'gulp'
{livereload} = require('gulp-load-plugins')()
gulp.task 'watch', ['styles'], ->
gulp.watch './public/include/less/**/*.less', ['styles']
gulp.watch('./public/include/css/**/*.css').on('change', livereload.changed)
Here is a simple and tested livereload solution based on
server andconnect-livereload
I missed the PHP part. I haven't worked with it but this might help you: https://github.com/micahblu/gulp-connect-php
Why you not use browser-sync ? is quite simple and less complicated.
He is automatic open browser window with default port 3000.
Here is simple example of use:
Here is a simple use example with sass compile: