I have have some problems with devices that have the action bar. When running on a phone I want to go fullscreen with no title bar and no status bar. On tablets I want to show the action bar but still no title bar. Minsdk is 7! The method setTheme doesn't work when you toggle fullscreen so I can't have two themes. Is there a way to show the action bar in fullscreen mode? The support library doesn't support the Action bar.
The only reason I want to do this in the first place is cause they for no good reason at all broke the backward compability by moving the menu key to the action bar. The easy solution for this according to the docs is to add android:showAsAction="ifRoom" to the menu items. But that does absolutly nothing.
I've also tested numerous solutions I found on google that supposedly toggles fullscreen. None of them work on any of my devices so please do not point to something you've read if you haven't used it yourself.
EDIT: I Solved this. The problem seems to be that you have to specify a Holo theme to get the action bar back. Otherwise it won't show. I added this in my main Activity.
public void setTheme(int resid) {
The action bar replaces the title bar. There is no concept of an activity having an action bar and a title bar.
AFAIK, no, by definition.
ActionBarSherlock provides a backport of the action bar for API Level 7 and higher.
It certainly "does nothing" if you have no action bar. If you want a fullscreen experience, then you will need to roll your own menu replacement. IMHO, most fullscreen apps did this already (e.g., a game going with a game-styled "menu").