I am trying to make run this
function hex2a(hex) {
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2)
str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
return str;
//Raw cookie
var cookie = "B417B464CA63FE780584563D2DA4709B03F6195189044C26A29770F3203881DD90B1428139088D945CF6807CA408F201DABBADD59CE1D740F853A894692273F1CA83EC3F26493744E3D25D720374E03393F71E21BE2D96B6110CB7AC12E44447FFBD810D3D57FBACA8DF5249EB503C3DFD255692409F084650EFED205388DD8C08BF7B941E1AC1B3B70B9A8E09118D756BEAFF25834E72357FD40E80E76458091224FAE8";
//decryptionKey from issuers <machineKey>
var deckey = "FFA87B82D4A1BEAA15C06F6434A7EB2251976A838784E134900E6629B9F954B7";
var crypto = require('crypto');
var ivc = cookie, iv, cipherText, ivSize = 16, res = "";
ivc = new Buffer(ivc, 'hex');
iv = new Buffer(ivSize);
cipherText = new Buffer(ivc.length - ivSize);
ivc.copy(iv, 0, 0, ivSize);
ivc.copy(cipherText, 0, ivSize);
c = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', hex2a(deckey), iv.toString('binary'));
res = c.update(cipherText, "binary", "utf8");
res += c.final('utf8');
In this Q&A, it mentions about differences about node js versions, I tried that apply that one but with out success:
res = c.update(cipherText, "binary", "utf8");
line result such result
res += c.final('utf8');
gives this error
0606506D:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:wrong final block length
nodejs version: 4.1.2 and crypto version 0.0.3
How can I properly decrypt cookie with this algorith or can you suggest any other?
[Assuming you are trying to decrypt a .NET framework cookie]:
(Note: This answer was completely rewritten as things were not as simple as it seemed)
The encryption schema is described here, citing interesting parts:
Which is (hopefully) implemented with the following script:
Giving result:
Some (random) notes about this code:
it assumes that AES is used for encryption and HMAC-SHA1 is used for authentication
as the used authentication key is not known, the integrity check condition is commented out and verification key from this very related question is used (which is the reason for authentication tag mismatch)
the padding used for AES encryption is PKCS#7
the 'modifier' field is assumed empty. If this is not the case you would have to check it and remove it from the plaintext
for production environment you definitely should check the authentication tag (otherwise you would expose yourself to nasty attacks)
to avoid even nastier attacks, the authentication tag should be tested for equality in constant time (which might be tricky to implement in nodejs). Please note that the commented-out code is very probably vulnerable to timing-attacks.
the IV length is equal to the key length (see here for the reason)
Disclaimer: I did not study the original .NET code thoroughly, nor am I a crypto expert so please do validate my thoughts
Good luck!