I have my primary grid dragging/dropping rows correctly into a secondary grid. My question is, how do I perform a check just before the row is dropped into my secondary grid, which determines if the row I am attempting to drop is already there? If it is already there in the secondary grid, don't let the user drop it there, basically stop the drag/drop function.
I'm thinking I can grab the key value from the row I am attempting to drop. Then, check to see if that value already exists as the key value in one of the rows I already dropped. I'm assuming I will have to use this function in some way:
beforedrop : function(e,ui,data,source,target) { }
OR this function:
ondrop: function (ev, ui, getdata) { }
Anyone have any ideas?
The example of the usage could be about the following
On the demo you would be unable to drop the rows "test1" from the first grid to the second one:
Other rows will be dropped without any problems.