How do I find the route information between two places in BlackBerry?
I'm using MapField to show the map in my application.
How do I find the route information between two places in BlackBerry?
I'm using MapField to show the map in my application.
As I understood, you need to get a path length between several locations.
It's not possible in MapField, you can only set that route by yourself.
Invoke BB Maps for route direction
You can always use MapField in you application for simple functionality, like present locations, and use BlackBerry Maps application for enhanced stuff like select locations and route directions presentation for user.
To invoke BB Maps for route direction use code:
With document formed like:
Result will be like
alt text text
Now, in BlackBerry Maps you can register your App menu item and start or update your App with selected location using MapView.
See How To - Add an ApplicationMenuItem to BlackBerry Maps
Use the gmap navigation service for driving directions
See J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations