How to make a column invisible in an ssrs matrix

2019-01-26 13:31发布

I have an ssrs matrix , the design of which looks like this :

enter image description here

The sql query used in the above dataset looks like this :

select [YEAR], [MONTH] as MONT , ProductName, NumberofSales from XYZ ;

When the report is run , My output looks like this :

enter image description here

Here , the Column Names 9 , 10 correspond to the months 9 - September and 10 - October.

Change shows the difference in numbers between the month and the previous month . example : number of sales in october - number of sales in september.

I would like to remove the column that I have circled in the above picture . Could you please let me know how I can do this . ??

I already tried right clicking the Change column and changing the visibility property, by adding an expression to look soomething like this :


But that gives me an entire blank space for the Change column like this :

enter image description here

But I do, not want to see the blank space. I would like to remove the column completely. Please let me know if it is possible.

2楼-- · 2019-01-26 13:59

I don't know, why it shows blank space, but here is how I handled this problem:

  1. Choose "column visibility" property of column "Change" enter image description here
  2. Then I added expression for hiding column: =IIF(Month(Fields!Date.Value)=Parameters!UserSelectedDate.Value,True,False)

And when I select report parameter to 1 and preview the report, it hides Change column for month 1: enter image description here

3楼-- · 2019-01-26 14:17

This answer works only for matrixed (varied count) columns. But in all reports client want to group report data dynamicly and select column that one want to see. So if I have matrix for example with columns -

[Store] [Good] [Amount Jan] [Amount Feb].... [Amount Dec]

I can hide any column with Amount but If I right click on column Store - No option in menu- Column properties and option Column Visibility - Disabled. If apply visibility to cells - you'll see a blank space.

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