I have a problem with this setup and I can't even view the logs.
This is my @Singleton
public class SchedulerStartUp {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SchedulerStartUp.class);
SchedulerEJB schedEJB;
public void atStartup() {
schedEJB.createTimer("*/1", "*", "*");
The SchedulerEJB
public class SchedulerEJB {
TimerService timerService;
public cancelTimer(String timerInfo){/*...*/}
public createTimer(String sec, String min, String hour) {/*...*/}
public void execute(Timer timer) {/*...*/}
Maven pom:
//Been Using Glassfishv3.0.1 and EJB3.1 with a dependency of:
You have invalid type of bean as an attribute of @DependsOn. DependsOn is for expressing dependency between two Singleton session beans, not between Singleton and Stateless. You should change SchedulerEJB to be Singleton or remove dependency.
If you decide change SchedulerEJB to Singleton, then @DepensOn is also not needed, because (from EJB 3.1 specification):