in My Jqgrid i have a column with delete links, everything works perfect, except that delete confirmation box pops up at top left corner all the time. i want to have the confirmation box in center of the jqgrid, not in top left corner.
{ name: 'act', index: 'act', width: 150, align: 'center', sortable: false}],
gridComplete: function () {
var rows = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var ids = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
var gr = jQuery('#list'); gr.setGridHeight("auto", true);
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var cl = ids[i];
be = "<a href='#' style='height:25px;width:120px;' type='button' value='Slet' onclick=\"jQuery('#list').jqGrid('delGridRow','" + cl + "',{reloadAfterSubmit:false, url:'@Url.Action("deleteRow")'}); return false;\">Slet </>";
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('setRowData', ids[i], { act: be });
be = "<a href='#' style='height:25px;width:120px;' type='button' value='Slet' onclick=\"jQuery('#list').jqGrid('delGridRow','" + cl + "', myDelParameters); return false;\">Slet </>";
code for my Global variable:
myDelParameters = {reloadAfterSubmit:false, url:'@Url.Action("deleteRow")', beforeShowForm: function(form) {
// "editmodlist"
var dlgDiv = jQuery("#list").jqGrid("#delmodlist" + grid[0].id);
var parentDiv = dlgDiv.parent(); // div#gbox_list
var dlgWidth = dlgDiv.width();
var parentWidth = parentDiv.width();
var dlgHeight = dlgDiv.height();
var parentHeight = parentDiv.height();
// TODO: change parentWidth and parentHeight in case of the grid
// is larger as the browser window
dlgDiv[0] = Math.round((parentHeight-dlgHeight)/2) + "px";
dlgDiv[0].style.left = Math.round((parentWidth-dlgWidth)/2) + "px";
You set already some parameters of the delGridRow method (see
{reloadAfterSubmit:false, url:...
in your code).My suggestion that you use
in the list of delGridRow parameters. The implementation of theafterShowForm
could be like in the old answer, but with the usage of"#delmodlist"
("#delmod" + grid[0].id
, wherevar grid = $("#list")
) instead of$("#editmod" + grid[0].id)
.Another more short form of the implementation could be with respect of jQuery UI Position:
In the demo I use such function for all Add/Edit and Delete forms.
UPDATED: It seems to me that you have implementation problems. I made one more demo which you can easy modify to what you want. I don't set any
, so if you press "Delete" button the error will be displayed. Moreover the HTML fragment which you try to place in the 'act' column is a combination of<a>
settings. Because I don't know what you wanted I placed just<a>
in the 'act' column. I hope now you can easy modify my demo to make your program working.Here is the schema of the code from my demo which you can use:
for centering the jqdialog and display near the row selected
.ui-jqdialog{position:fixed; left:415px;} This is working perfect for my requirement. Thank You