Let's say I have:
- ASP.NET Core stand alone Web API project for .NET Core framework
- Class Library with EF6 data model for full .NET framework
The ASP.NET Core project refers to the class library
This architecture proposed here:
The question is: will my standalone application be able to execute on the specified target platform (Win, Linux, Mac runtime) after Release (or Publish), if it's dependency targets to full .NET Framework?
Thanks very much
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Classic
That's not possible directly Entity Framework as @Adailson answered
However, it's possible via EF Classic: http://entityframework-classic.net/
That's an EF6 fork that also supports .NET Core. We plan to integrate a ton of features & bug fix.
A community (FREE) and enterprise version (PAID) is available.
What's EF Classic
Entity Framework Classic is a supported version from the latest EF6 code base. It supports .NET Framework and .NET Core and overcomes some EF limitations by adding tons of must-haves built-in features.
It will be not possible. The same link you provided confirm that:
You can use ASP.NET Core upon .NET Framework (Not .NET CORE) and EF6 (But not cross-platform). But not ASP.NET Core upon .NET Core and use EF6. You will need to use EF Core for that project.