I've got a MySQL load script that almost works, it is perfect except for the date columns, which are not in a MySql friendly format.
load data infile '/Users/pfarrell/sandbox/waybase/folklore/Titles_1976.csv' into table fix76 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' ignore 1 lines ( patentId, USPatentNum, title, grantDate, filedDate)
The problem is that my dates are in mm/dd/yyyy format. Looks like the str_to_date
function is what I want, but I can't figure out how to use it in the load command.
I'm envisioning something like:
grantDate = STR_TO_DATE(something, '%m/%d/%Y'),
but that doesn't work.
You can load the date strings into user-defined variables, and then use
STR_TO_DATE(@date, '%m/%d/%Y')
to convert them to MySQL dates.Try this: