require_once 'facebook.php';
$app_id = "418907881455014";
$app_secret = "36389d2c4caaf6de86982cb87686a494";
$redirect_uri = 'http://gooogle12.comuf.com';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $app_id,
'secret' => $app_secret,
'cookie' => true
$user = $facebook->getUser();
$user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
$coded = $_REQUEST['code'];
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
$name = "".$user_profile['name']."";
$fbid = "".$user_profile['id']."";
function RandomLine($filename) {
$lines = file($filename) ;
return $lines[array_rand($lines)] ;
$reason = RandomLine("reason.txt");
$canvas = imagecreatefromjpeg ("bg.jpg"); // background image file
$black = imagecolorallocate( $canvas, 0, 0, 0 ); // The second colour - to be used for the text
$font = "Arial.ttf"; // Path to the font you are going to use
$fontsize = 20; // font size
$birthday = "".$user_profile['birthday']."";
$death = "- ".date('d/m/Y', strtotime( '+'.rand(0, 10000).' days'))."";
imagettftext( $canvas, 22, -1, 110, 120, $black, $font, $name ); // name
imagettftext( $canvas, 22, -1, 110, 170, $black, $font, $birthday ); // birthday
imagettftext( $canvas, 22, -1, 255, 172, $black, $font, $death ); // death
imagettftext( $canvas, 20, -1, 110, 220, $black, $font, $reason ); // reason
//Create an album
$album_details = array(
'message'=> 'How will you die?',
'name'=> 'How will you die?'
$create_album = $facebook->api('/me/albums', 'post', $album_details);
//Get album ID of the album you've just created
$album_uid = $create_album['id'];
//Upload a photo to album of ID...
$file='img/'.$fbid.'.jpg'; //Example image file
$photo_details = array( 'message'=> 'Find...51', 'image' => '@'.realpath($file));
$upload_photo = $facebook->api('/'.$album_uid.'/photos', 'post', $photo_details);
enter code here
ImageDestroy( $canvas );
header("Location: http://facebook.com".$fbid."&photoid=".$upphoto."")
Well i am using this php code to make a facebook application.I uploaded the font Arial.ttf
to the root directory of my website. But still i am showing the error- Warning: imagettftext() [function.imagettftext]: Could not find/open font in /home/a2424901/public_html/index.php on line 35
. I tried changing the case,but i did'nt worked for me. Where i went wrong in this code ?
From the docs
This seems to imply that the fontfile should be an absolute path, and if it isn't, the function will append another
onto the end of it.Specify the full path to the font file.
Or omit the
and use theGDFONTPATH
. The documentation recommends the following:My solve (works for me):
if you are using pChart use this:
Please check for the font folder under Resources.
I had same problem. My font name was
and i changed it to
and its worked perfectly.
To add on to user2724960's answer; Changing the FontName to
__DIR__ . '/graph/fonts/someFont.ttf'
did it for me.Full line:
Don't forgot to replace "someFont" with the name of your font file (default: "Forgotte")