I have created a socket on port 443 as in the following line:
socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(hostName, port);
Then, I wanted to see the enabled ciphersuites in this socket, I used:
String[] enCiphersuite=socket.getEnabledCipherSuites();
System.out.println("Enabled ciphersuites are: "+Arrays.toString(enCiphersuite));
Then, I want to pick only one ciphersuite that I want my application to use when creating handshake with the remote server. I did the following:
String pickedCipher[] ={"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"};
System.out.println("ciphersuite set to: "+Arrays.toString(pickedCipher));
Then I made the handshake, and checked the session ciphersuite:
System.out.println("Session ciphersuite is"+socket.getSession().getCipherSuite() );
But I found that the name of the cipher printed in the previous printout statement after the handshake (as I understand, this is the actually used cipher in the session) is not what I set earlier using setEnabledCipherSuites()
Why am I still not see my chosen ciphersuite is the used one ? and also, I also tried to getEnabledCipherSuites()
and print it out after I setEnabledCipherSuites
and found the list has not changed to what I have set. I am not sure when I print the enabled ciphersuite, is this list of ciphersuites depends on Java and always the same list, or depends on the client or on the server? Can any body explain ?
EDIT: Before the handshake I only have the following lines:
SSLSocketFactory factory = HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory();
SSLSocket socket=null;
try {
socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(hostName, port);
socket.startHandshake(); //handshake
As documented in the
JavaDoc:If you call
before callingsetEnabledCipherSuite()
, the handshake has already been done when you try to set the enabled cipher suites, so this session's cipher suite has already been selected.