I'm learning Haskell, and I was playing around in ghci when I came across something very puzzling.
First, create a simple add function:
Prelude> let add x y = x + y
Note that it works with ints and floats:
Prelude> add 3 4
Prelude> add 2.5 1.3
Now create an apply function. It's identical to $
(but not infix). It works like a no-op on add:
Prelude> let apply f x = f x
Prelude> apply add 3 4
Prelude> apply add 2.5 1.3
Ok, now make add'
which is the same as add'
but using apply
Prelude> let add' = apply add
Prelude> add' 3 4
Prelude> add' 2.5 1.3
No instance for (Fractional Integer)
arising from the literal `1.3' at <interactive>:1:9-11
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Fractional Integer)
In the second argument of `add'', namely `1.3'
In the expression: add' 2.5 1.3
In the definition of `it': it = add' 2.5 1.3
Here are the types:
Prelude> :t add
add :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
Prelude> :t apply add
apply add :: (Num t) => t -> t -> t
Prelude> :t add'
add' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Why does add'
have a different type than apply add
Is this a ghci oddity, or is this true in Haskell in general? (And how can I tell the difference?)
It's the Monomorphism restriction. When you define a value with a simple pattern binding (just the name, without any function arguments) and without a type signature, it gets a monomorphic type. Any type variables are tried to be disambiguated according to the defaulting rules, if that doesn't succeed you get a type error.
In this case, the
constrained type variable gets defaulted toInteger
.You can turn off the monomorphism restriction with
or with the
flag on the command line.