In my iphone app,I am showing images on a collection view. I fetch the images from urls,with urls I get the image size also. eg:- let's say there are two kinds of images landscape and portrait.I get value P for portrait images and L for landscape images
How to customize the collectionView cell's size ?
For swift extend the flowlayout to you viewcontroller, if you need to show dynamic images on cell make variable which hold images name into your view contorller and use this:
This is what I did. I first set the size of the cell based on the size of the screen (so that we can get the best number of images on each row). You may want to change the numbers to suit your cause.
I then used an image manipulation method to determine the landscape or portrait state, and (for my app) I decided to make every image a portrait:
If you want to have it the other way round, swap the
CAVEAT: my rotating method doesn't take into consideration if the picture is pointing left or right. In other words, If an image is landscape by upside down, my code can't recognise that. I hope someone else can help you though, and I hope I haven't gone off track! :)
Use this
method1) You could maintain and swap out multiple layout objects, but there's a simpler way. Just add the following to your UICollectionViewController subclass and adjust the sizes as required:
will invalidate the layout and resize the cells with animation (you can just pass nil to both block params if you've no extra adjustments to perform).2) Instead of hardcoding the item sizes in
, just divide the height or width of the collectionView's bounds by the number of cells you want to fit on screen. Use the height if yourUICollectionView
scrolls horizontally or the width if it scrolls vertically.