I've decided to get rid of rvm, and I'm having trouble compiling a gem with my new version of ruby 1.9.2. The gem requires 1.9.2, I have it, yet says it can't install without, so the error messages makes no sense.
How can I explicitly tell the gem to compile with said version of ruby?
Gem::InstallError: linecache19 requires Ruby version >= 1.9.2.
An error occured while installing linecache19 (0.5.12), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install linecache19 -v '0.5.12'` succeeds before bundling.
apps2 ~/projects/sms/apps2/apps2_admin $ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]
apps2 ~/projects/sms/apps2/apps2_admin $ which ruby
I had a similar issue and traced back the issue and solved it as follows:
The root of the issue is that in the gem installer.rb file the passed required ruby version from linecache19 is 1.9.2 while the Gem.ruby_version is something like 1.9.2.dev.30909, and ("1.9.2" >= "1.9.2.dev.30909") is false.
so first become sure that ruby version is 1.9.2:
then manually use --force to bypass version check:
if you faced with another error starting with following lines:
You have to explicitly set the source path to vm_core.h
In my case:
so to install linecache19 :
ruby-debug19 has a similar issue:
That's all!
This is what worked on Ubuntu:
I had the same problems and tried so many options before I came across this: http://beginrescueend.com/packages/openssl/
This resolves the issue with linecache19 rubydebug-19 and openssl:
then you can do
I had the same issue (linecache19 hangs forever/indefinitely) when using rbenv on OS X Lion. I found the solution was to install Ruby with OpenSSL option, like this:
Now, you can run or bundle this and it'll install fine:
Hope that helps someone.