I'm trying to watch google calendar events.
I have written this code:
def watch_calendar_event
result = @client.execute(
api_method: @calendar_api.events.watch,
parameters: { calendarId: 'primary' },
body_object: watch_hash,
headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
if result.status == 200
watch_data = result.data
@calendar.update booking_expiration: watch_data.expiration, booking_id: watch_data.id, booking_resource_id: watch_data.resourceId, booking_resource_uri: watch_data.resourceUri, watching_event: true
rescue Exception => ex
raise GoogleCalendarException, ex.message
And I'm getting a 200 success message with other details like booking_id, resource_id and resourceUri.
But when I create a new event on the google calendar I'm not getting any notification on my server.
Any idea what could be the reason.
Also note I have done everything they have asked here and I have also configured an https server for this.
My webhook URL is like: https://dev.application.com/notifications & I have also opened routes for this.
My route:
post '/notifications', to: "calendars#calendar_events_watch", defaults: {format: 'json'}
My controller code:
def calendar_events_watch
logger.info "Received an event notification. **************************#{request.env.inspect}"
if request.env["HTTP_X_GOOG_RESOURCE_STATE"] != "sync"
channel_id = request.env["HTTP_X_GOOG_CHANNEL_ID"]
resource_id = request.env["HTTP_X_GOOG_RESOURCE_ID"]
# resource_uri = request.env["HTTP_X_GOOG_RESOURCE_URI"]
# channel_token = request.env["HTTP_X_GOOG_CHANNEL_TOKEN"]
render status: 200