I am creating a program which is capable of sending sms from PC to mobile phones. It doesn't matter whether it is sending SMS using an online gateway or using the dongle (but, u know, sender's original number will be there only if we use a dongle, isn't it?). Most examples in internet I found are written in 2006-2010 and they all use JavaMail and Java Communication API, and the communication api is almost missing at the moment, probably oracle gave it up.
I am seeking for some technology, which is upto date and up and running. This is my first attempt in such. I am very much glad to see tutorials. Thank you
After doing few Try & Error, i created following code a year ago, it is working fine. It uses GSM Modem to send SMS. Your GSM Modem should be connected to your Comm Port. You would be requiring Comm.jar library to run this code, You can download it from http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/picdev/software/javaxcomm.zip
My code is simple programmtic version of firing AT Commands. It simply fires AT Command on GSM Modem to send SMS.