My XSD looks like this:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="person">
<xs:attribute name="first_name" use="optional" type="xs:string"/>
I can't manage to add my adapter annotation to the concrete field ( generated proxy class must have my adapter annotation). So the result should be the following:
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=StringAdapter.class, type=String.class)
@XmlAttribute(name = "first_name")
protected String firstName;
but my binding does not do anything. Just like it does not exists.
<bindings schemaLocation="XMLreq.xsd" node="/xs:schema/xs:element[@name='person']/xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name='first_name']" >
<xjc:javaType adapter="x.y.z.StringHashFunctionAdapter" name="java.lang.String" />
I have no error during proxy class generation.
dependencies {
xsd2java "com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.2.7"
xsd2java "com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.2.7"
task xsd2java() {
doLast {
ant.taskdef(name: 'xjc', classname: '', classpath: configurations.xsd2java.asPath)
ant.jaxbTargetDir = jaxbTargetDir
ant.xjc(destdir: '${jaxbTargetDir}', package: 'x.y.z.request', schema: 'src/main/resources/XMLreq.xsd', binding: 'src/main/resources/bindings.jxb')
and my adapter.
public class StringHashFunctionAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, String> {
public String marshal(String v) throws Exception { return "####hashed value####"; }
Any ideas?