I have an Excel sheet which I receive from my customer and I get imported to Access and I would call that table [tblCustomer] and that would look something like this:
ProductID Name Expire date SumofQty
------------ ----------- --------------- --------
3 Flour 13-Dec-2013 6
6 Meat 20-Jan-2014 10
So the table contain maybe 100 items. I want in the same table or another table to copy the same record 6 times as per SumofQty and than the next record copy it 10 times and so on. I need this cause I will create labels for each product right now I'm doing manually.
You can do that in a Query quite easily by using a "Numbers table". Create a table named [Numbers] in your database consisting of a single field named [n] that has a field type of
Numeric (Long Integer)
. Create rows in that table with values 1, 2, 3, ... up to a number that well exceeds the largest value you ever expect to see in [tblCustomer].[SumofQty]. In my test I used 2500, so my [Numbers] table looks likeThen, for sample data in table [tblCustomer]
the query
Here's the solution using Erik von Asmuth's comment which pointed to an answer originally created by Gustav.
I added the hundreds column as well because I think I'm probably going to need it. My method also filters out 0 in the sub query, otherwise I was getting 2 rows for things with a quantity of 1.