I'm trying to follow the instructions here: https://code.google.com/p/php-sweph/wiki/build to compile a PHP extension. My OS is Windows XP.
I'm unable to find "phpize" to do the command. However, I've installed Pear for PHP. is it something only for Linux or is there a way to compile with phpsize with Windows?
It's hard to build PHP extensions on Windows yourself.: You need a PHP build environment on Windows, which means you need Visual Studio and some other things. See http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.building.php for more information.
It's probably the easiest way to simply use Linux (or a Linux Virtual Machine), or get a pre-built .dll file form someone else.
In windows compile script design to compile php itself and should add your extension to compile with php ...
You can read more here: Compile an extension on Windows