I hava a .sh script which glues many other scripts, called by jsch ChannelExec from a windows application.
Channel channel = session.openChannel("exec");
((ChannelExec) channel).setCommand("/foo/bar/foobar.sh");
if I run the command like "nohup /foo/bar/foobar.sh >> /path/to/foo.log &", all the long term jobs(database operations, file processing etc.) seems to get lost.
checking the log file, only find those echo stuffs(before and after a long term operation, calculate running time etc.).
I checked the permissions, $PATH, add source /etc/profile to my .sh yet none of these works.
but when I run the command normally (sync run, print all echo outputs to my java client on windows),all the things goes well.
it's a really specific prob. Hope someone with experience can help me out.
thank in advance.
My prob is, psql and pg_bulkload print their outputs to err stream.
In my script, I didn't redirect err streams.
Everything went fine by also redirecting err streams to the same log file.
Thanks to Atsuhiko Yamanaka, he created a great JSch library, and Paŭlo Ebermann for the documentation.