Is there an easier way to change the order of items in a tkinter listbox than deleting the values for specific key, then re-entering new info?
For example, I want to be able to re-arrange items in a listbox. If I want to swap the position of two, this is what I've done. It works, but I just want to see if there's a quicker way to do this.
def moveup(self,selection):
value1 = int(selection[0]) - 1 #value to be moved down one position
value2 = selection #value to be moved up one position
nameAbove = self.fileListSorted.get(value1) #name to be moved down
nameBelow = self.fileListSorted.get(value2) #name to be moved up
To expand on Tim's answer, it is possible to do this for multiple items as well if you use the "currentselection()" function of the tkinter.listbox.
This would move all selected items up 1 position. It could also be easily adapted to move the items down. You would have to check if the item was at the end of the list instead of the top, and then add 1 to the index instead of subtract. You would also want to reverse the list for the loop so that the changing indexes wouldn't mess up future moves in the set.
No. Deleting and re-inserting is the only way. If you just want to move a single item up by one you can do it with only one delete and insert, though.