If I try to use web workers through a JavaScript file, Chrome throws an error -
Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to create a worker: script at '(path)/worker.js' cannot be accessed from origin 'null'.
But it allows them if we use directly through the HTML.
The answer on Chrome can't load web worker says Chrome doesn't let you load web workers when running scripts from a local file.
Why doesn't chrome allow web workers to run locally?
Web Workers work completely fine in Firefox, Safari and in Edge
This question was already asked. The workers should work in HTML files opened from disk as long as you use relative path. However, if chrome implements this correctly has been disputed.
I advise that you try to use relative path in your scripts:
If that doesn't work, see this workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33432215/607407
Specifically, load worker as a function, then convert the function to string: