I have a problem, that maven is looking for resources inside of Eclipse installation folder.
It is saying:
This file was not found: file:/C:/eclipse/eclipse/src/main/resources/config/spring/applicationContext.xml
While my workspace is in c:/Work/Core/
and inside src/main/resources
Is there any configuration for pom.xml to order it to look relative from its position??
EDIT #1:
I am running Maven from Eclipse. From command line it compiles without problems.
I am trying to run Junit tests.
EDIT #2:
All dependencies, web.xml,... are OK - I know this because the same files other developer is using on Linux and with Idea and there the project is working without problems. With my project settings junit tests are not working, compiling wsdl files is not working - both because it can not find resources.
EDIT #3:
Found the answer - it is posted here down.
An attractive way to solve Maven problems with Eclipse is to switch to Netbeans. It's easier to use, and has native support for Maven projects.
Can we also see your web.xml? With spring, the applicationContext.xml location is defined in the web.xml with something like:
(EDIT: I know compiling with maven won't care about the web.xml... but running jUnit tests it could - depending on how the tests are set up.)
EDIT 2: Switching from a linux environment to a windows environment I could see problems with specifying where things live. Just because it runs under one environment doesn't mean there won't be problems when switching to another. What if your linux dev decided to tell spring the applicationContext.xml lives at /usr/local/myide/myproject/src...? Windows would just choke.
Can you paste what are you trying to do in the code or the relevant section of the pom.xml ?
Ideally any directory reference in pom.xml should be relative to the pom.xml file location.
You have a problem somewhere with your configuration. Do some cleanup and start again.
P.S.: I'm assuming you are using m2eclipse but this is far from obvious, you should give clear information on your context.
I had similar problems a few weeks ago. I changed the classpath to get stuff to work but that is not really a fix, only a workaround, so I wasn't very happy about it.
After a while a colleague recommended SpringSource Tool Suite (sts) http://www.springsource.com/products/sts
It's a Eclipse based IDE by SpringSource, it has much better Maven support. Since I made the switch everything works great. And since it is based on Eclipse I didn't have to learn a whole new IDE and everything that works for Eclipse works for STS
Got it... Finally.. I don't know why, but Eclipse just does not refresh its own settings from Mavens.
I had to change .classpath:
In the fourth line, there
- I removed this, and it worked.After this, I also had problems with name of the project. In pom.xml was
and in build tag
which I wanted to change in just "core", but it did not work, until I found it and replace in files under .settings folder.