I am sorry fr asking this newbie question.
I am trying to use this library i my project. https://github.com/gfranks/GFMinimalNotifications
I would like to import the source codes and not the binary.
The github page says Simply copy the source/resource files from the library folder into your project.
So I tried to drag and drop these two files directly to my libs
folder in Android Studio.
And I went back to my Activity and try to use it in my code. But the autocomplete does not seem to recognize the library.
Any help please? After I copied into my libs folder.
Importing the whole module seems to be wasteful considering the project has many assets that is irrelevant to the library itself.
Found the solution
I copied it to the app/libs
folder, and then in build.gradle
I add
sourceSets {
main.java.srcDirs += 'libs/GFMinimalNotifications/src/main/java'
there is two way to use this we ll use 2nd method Use binary approach
Copy com.github.gfranks.minimal.notification-1.0.aar into your projects libs/ directory.
Include the following either in your top level build.gradle file or your module specific one:
repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } }
Under your dependencies for your main module's build.gradle file, you can reference that aar file like so:
compile 'com.github.gfranks.minimal.notification:com.github.gfranks.minimal.notification-1.0@aar'
after do above step try to sync gradle if there is issue like
then add below code in android manifest file
add below line in side manifest TAG
add below line above Application TAG
finally your manifest look like
Simple step
copy in project full package library
in settings gradle add
include ':library',':app'
in build.gradle
Steps to add modules in Android Studio download zip file & follow steps