Now I want to add a static pin annotation on map in my iOS app.
But I just want to know if the delegate method mapView:viewForAnnotation: will be called.
In the Apple documentation, it is said that
When it needs an annotation view, the map view calls the mapView:viewForAnnotation: method of its delegate object.
I have read several tutorials from Internet and official documentation from Apple. And I still don't when this method will be called.
Whenever you call
method- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id < MKAnnotation >)annotation
gets called. Have look at the screenshot.You can find this on MKMapView Class Reference
P.S. Put breakpoints at
call and- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id < MKAnnotation >)annotation
you will see the flow of function call easily.Obviously
at least will callmapView:viewForAnnotation:
when it will need to display yourMKAnnotationView
to the screen.