I need to restrict input into a TextField to integers. Any advice?
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The preffered answer can be even smaller if you make use of Java 1.8 Lambdas
Starting with JavaFX 8u40, you can set a TextFormatter object on a text field:
This avoids both subclassing and duplicate change events which you will get when you add a change listener to the text property and modify the text in that listener.
This one worked for me.
i want to help with my idea from combine Evan Knowles answer with text formater from java fx 8
so good luck ;) keep calm and code java
I know this is a rather old thread, but for future readers here is another solution I found quite intuitive:
Edit: Thanks none_ and SCBoy for your suggested improvements.
Starting from Java SE 8u40, for such need you can use an "integer"
allowing to safely select a valid integer by using the keyboard's up arrow/down arrow keys or the up arrow/down arrow provided buttons.You can also define a min, a max and an initial value to limit the allowed values and an amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
For example
Example of result with an "integer" spinner and a "double" spinner
More details about the Spinner control